Press Reviews
Natasa Djurica, Psychologist in private practice in Serbia
The book is filled with useful facts, effective methods of working with drug users, examples and answers to many questions, including the question: What's love got to do with it? In summary, I find this book relieves fear about drugs and activates the full potential for working with addicts.
Social Care and Neurodisability, William Harper, Team Manager, Islington Assertive Outreach Team
essential reading for frontline practitioners and clinicians working with people at risk of suicide and harm in the neurodisabilitty field.
Transactional Analysis Journal
Tony White, writing from extensive experience, provides a guide that will be useful to any therapists or counsellor working with people who are or may become suicidal... The presentation of transactional analysis is simple and sufficient. It can be understood without prior training in TA, an it clarifies the rest of what is presented in this book... I encourage readers not to wait for the next edition; this book is a valuable resource for all therapists.
Paddy Glasgow, Social Worker
the most thorough and effective that I have found, especially for this life and death issue... This is a splendid book, perfect for newcomers as well as for those long in the field. As I read I began to smile: you have taught us all to do the great detective work required for these people. I hereby christen you the Poirot of Psychotherapy - a Detective Extraordinaire!!!
EATA Newsletter
This is especially helpful for all clinicians who have not yet studied these issues and do not have a large scale of practical experience in working with suicidal individuals... I am sure that this valuable and well written book will be a helpful and interesting reading for many professionals, also from the TA community.
The Transactional Analyst
This book may be considered essential reading for a variety of professionals, including mental health practitioners and social workers, who work with suicidal or at risk individuals... As I revisited the book I appreciated even more the depth of the knowledge, the richness of White's experience and expertise, and the need for careful attention to so many areas when working with potentially suicidal individuals.
Australian Transactional Analysis Association (ATAA)
Tony gives a good coverage of the ego state model of transactional analysis. This leads to the decisional aspect of personality and "the suicide decision". An understanding of the suicide decision is important in managing suicidal individuals... I highly commend this book to anyone interested in this current social issue and to all practitioners.
Young Minds Magazine, Terry Philpot, author
The value of Working with Suicidal Individuals: A guide to Providing Understanding, Assessment and Support, by psychologist Tony White (Jessica Kingsley Publishers) rests on its practical side evidence in the subtitle. Running from theories of suicidal behaviour to a transactional analysis of personality types, it looks also at motivation, as well as Quantitative and qualitative approaches to risk assessment.
Wave Magazine
The book removes the shade of taboo and stigma from people who have made a suicide attempt or have suicidal thoughts
Wave Magazine
This book, written in an understandable and clear style, with many real life examples by an experienced therapist, can be of use not only to professionals dealing with suicide, but also to the common reader interested in inner life.
Rosemary Napper, Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (Counselling), British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy Accredited and President of the International Transactional Analysis Association 2009-2010
The experience and competence of Tony White's counselling suicidal clients is evident. He inspires confidence in others finding themselves working with such clients by his thorough analysis of suicide decisions, how to assess risk via a range of quantitative and qualitative tools, and how to contract effectively to support the client to live differently. Contemporary research into suicide is combined with the classical and re-decision traditions of transactional analysis theories to provide an underpinning map to orient professional thinking and actions. Additionally he shares his expertise in working with high risk groups of prisoners and adolescents, and also describes working with those who self-harm, to create a useful and necessary guide.