
When will I receive my order?

You will receive an email when your order is shipped, which will include the delivery method and estimated time. Sometimes if your order contains several items we may not be in stock of all of them. It could be a title has not yet published or we are waiting on more stock. We will advise you which item and an approx. delivery.

How long will it take to get my order?

If the item is in stock then we would normally dispatch from our warehouse in 2-3 business days. The approximate delivery times for standard delivery varies depending on where the order is being shipped to.

If you are within the continental US, delivery will take 3-5 business days after dispatch through UPS.

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If you are in Canada, delivery may take up to 4-6 weeks after dispatch through USPS Priority Mail.


Deliveries to customers outside of the US may be liable to additional import and/or customs taxes and charges levied by your destination country. The rates vary, so please check the regulations for your shipping destination as you/the recipient will be responsible for covering the costs upon delivery of the order, in line with section 3.5 of our terms of sale. Where import or customs taxes and/or charges are levied, our couriers may charge additional brokerage fees to cover their administration costs – you will also be responsible for covering this cost.

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