Press Reviews
International Journal of Behavioral and Consultation Therapy
“The Verbal Behavior Approach serves as a practical and thorough guide on the principles of using the Verbal Behavior Approach for children with autism. Difficult terms are translated into easy-to-understand layman's terms, which would be very useful for first- time learners and practicing clinicians unfamiliar with the Verbal Behavior Approach... This book will explain not only to parents, but also to Speech- Language Pathologists and other professionals how to reinforce and encourage communication from children with autism and other disabilities... This book is a “must have” for Speech- Language Pathologists interested in learning about and utilizing the Verbal Behavior Approach. A number of highly specific therapy techniques are presented as well as other relevant topics such as reinforcement and behavior. Packed with useful information and tips, this book is ideal for Speech- Language Pathologists across both clinic and educational settings. The information that is provided in this text is comprehensive, concise and practical and Speech- Language Pathologists will benefit from its wealth of resources included in the appendices. As the need for services with children with autism spectrum disorder continue to grow, Speech- Language Pathologists will require a concise, easy to read resource as this one to become familiar with this approach to effectively teach language to students with autism.”
Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention
“This book serves to educate family members exceptionally well on several of the most important concepts and foundational ideas of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Ms. Barbera does an outstanding job of explaining why the ABC's (Antecedents-Behaviors-Consequences) of behavior are so important to understand. She is especially good at explaining the importance of determining the function of challenging behaviors. This will help parents as they try to unravel the seeming mysteries of children's behaviors. She also clearly outlines how treatments must match the functions of behaviors, and how appropriate replacement skills must be taught to address the same function... the book is an excellent source of information on Applied Behavior Analysis and on Verbal Behavior. It serves to clear up some major sources of consumer confusion, most notably about Verbal Behavior's embeddedness within ABA. There are countless helpful and well-grounded suggestions for parents who are interested in using this approach with their children.”
Kimberly Barnes, PhD, CCC-SLP, Speech and Language Pathologist
“This book provides a friendly voice that will assist parents, educators, and other professionals in utilizing these techniques with children with autism. It is a must have for anyone who knows, lives with, or teaches a child with autism spectrum disorder.”
Traci L. Plunkett, Mother of a son with PDD-NOS
“The Verbal Behavior Approach is a wonderful book! I typically get glazed over with the intensity of ABA/VB. This was an easy read that provided clear-cut, practical information that families and professionals can effectively use.”
Anne A. Skleder, Ph.D. Provost, Cabrini College
“This book accomplishes many things that few such works do–it pairs sound research with concrete examples; is accessible to the expert and novice alike, and touches the heart without sacrificing professionalism.”
Rick Kubina, Ph.D., BCBA, Associate Professor, The Pennsylvania State University
“As a dedicated and caring parent, Mary has demonstrated her commitment to all children with autism by writing such a thoughtful and useful book.”
Eustacia Cutler, Author of A Thorn in My Pocket: Temple Grandin's Mother Tells the Family Story
“Written with style, warmth and real know-how, Mary Barbera has managed to combine valuable therapeutic advice with her own eloquent story.”
Trish Cuce, Mother of a daughter with autism, teacher & consultant for children with Autism, Founder of POAC of PA
“An amazing book that combines detailed instructions for parents on how to get started using ABA/VB with a little bit of emotional support to let them know that they are not alone.”
Kathleen Ricca, M.Ed., parent of a three-year-old boy with autism
“An easy to follow guide that works. The Verbal Behavior approach is motivation driven, creating the desire to learn.”
Mark Sundberg, Ph.D.,BCBA, Author of the VB-MAPP (2008)
“One of the most valuable books for parents of children with autism since Let Me Hear Your Voice by Catherine Maurice.”
Dr. Jack Michael, Professor Emeritus, Western Michigan University
“Barbera is not only accurate, but easy to understand... her personal experience in this area makes her explanations and instructions entertaining and easy to apply.”
John O. Cooper, Ed.D., Professor Emeritus of Education, The Ohio State University, Co-Author of Applied Behavior Analysis
“I taught a class on verbal behavior once a year for 25 years. How I wish I could have had this book during that time. It would have made my instruction so much more effective.”
Holly Kibbe, MS, BCBA, Establishing Operations, Inc.
“With clear, concise explanations and examples, heartfelt stories and helpful resources listed throughout, Mary has provided the community with a nice description of teaching verbal behavior. Every parent of a newly diagnosed child should own a copy of this book.”
Kirkus Reports
“A succinct, intelligible tour of an effective intervention for autistic children through both speech and non-verbal communication. VB is a refinement of B.F. Skinner's pioneering work on language and operates under the conviction that expressive language is behavioral, rather than purely cognitive. Barbera takes Skinner's arcane language and renders it not only clear but convincing”
Catherine B. Doran, MA, CCC/SLP, Speech and Language Pathologist
“Using a behavioral analysis of language as described by B.F. Skinner, this approach teaches language across functions, which Mary explains with easy-to-understand examples and language. Written from the perspective of both a parent and a professional this book will prove valuable to a variety of readers.”
Sharon Zamrin, M.S.Ed., BCBA
“I highly recommend Mary's book. It is excellent! Although it's very short and easy to read, it seems to cover everything! I'm recommending it to every parent and professional I come in contact with.”
The Behavior Analyst Today
“The Verbal Behavior Approach provides useful information and resources for immediate application, accomplishing the book's main objective, providing for rapid implementation of an AVB program.”
Eustacia Cutler, author of A Thorn in My Pocket: Temple Grandin's Mother Tells the Family Story
“Written with style, warmth and real know-how, Mary Barbera has managed to combine valuable therapeutic advice with her own eloquent story.”