Press Reviews
This book is an achievement with which all concerned should be justifiably proud. It will be utilized by many health care professionals to enhance their knowledge and understanding.
Ageing and Society
If you are about to embark on a piece of research that involves people with dementia in any way, this book …would provide helpful signposts, warnings and practical advice.
Cambridge University Press
This book contains a wealth of ideas that will greatly assist anyone designing research that aims to understand the perspectives of people with dementia and to involve them in the research process. It will also be of value to service providers engaged in projects to involve people with dementia in service planning and development.
Research Policy and Planning Journal
This book breaks new ground in bringing together a range of well respected researchers, who have experience in research with people with Dementia... This is a potent and thought provoking book which should be essential reading for any person contemplating healt or social care research with people with dementia. It is accessible and easy to read and provides us with many of the clues we need if we are able to make emancipatory research a reality.
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
This book describes the "double jeopardy" of elderly people with dementia, who suffer by being both old and cognitively impaired... The ethical issues of including people with dementia in participatory research are extremly well covered... As a research interviewer I found the discussion of informed consent interesting and useful and endorse the need for clearer guidelines in this area. Professionals working with older people will find this book helpful and challenging as they develop services and research that seeks a more inclusive role for clients with dementia and their carers.
The Journal of Dementia Care
It is only relatively recently that the perspectives of the person with dementia has been actively sought, and there is still a considerable way to go. This edited volume brings together a range of reflective contributions from some of the researchers who are currently grappling with this issue... The range of contributions demonstrates the extent of the innovative and creative work that is currently being under-taken in this area, and the way in which this is stimulating reflection and the development of new approaches.
The British Journal of Social Work
This book looks set to be a constant and crucial companion to those involved in dementia research but could be more widely used by those undertaking consultation and participation projects. It offers an excellent overview of ethical and practical issues, which consent figuring largely as an issue which may prevent people with dementia from participation as much as protect them from undesired intrusion.
Community Care
What leaps from the page is how positively people living with the diagnosis of dementia can experience contributing to research. The opportunity to speak about what is happening to them is clearly therapeutic, and, shamefully rare.
Mental Health Today
This book is a useful contribution to our understanding of very complex issues.