Press Reviews
The Midwest Book Review
Packed with "autism alert cards" and references that will prove key to the safety of any woman struggling with autism and independence.
Lynne Moxon, Chartered Psychologist who teaches socio-sexual skills, Senior Lecturer, University of Northumbria
It does not matter how bright a young person on the spectrum is, you cannot send them out into the world without skills for living, loving and resilience. Robyn's book comes framed with experience and the personal knowledge that autism does not stop with childhood… Knowledge keeps us all safe… This is a book everyone who works with teenagers and young adults with autism should have as a reference and it forms an essential resource for women with autism providing the kind of insight only a woman on the spectrum could provide.
Sarah Hendrickx, Hendrickx Associates, freelance trainer and consultant in autistic spectrum conditions, author of several books on Asperger syndrome
Robyn has written a brilliant, no nonsense, straight-talking guide in how to navigate the daunting world of people and relationships - not just the obvious stuff, but the subtle things that women on the autistic spectrum are likely to stumble into trouble with. This is a useful book for women themselves and those looking out for them.
Rudy Simone, author of Aspergirls, 22 Things a Woman Must Know If She Loves a Man with Asperger's Syndrome and 22 Things a Woman with Asperger's Syndrome Wants Her Partner to Know
A woman on the autism spectrum who lives in a big city such as London has perhaps an intensified need for clarity in the issue of safety, and an insight others might not possess. Like the underground system she loves, Robyn Steward has created the equivalent of a “color-coded tube map” to help you navigate a variety of situations. But this is more than just a list of dos and don'ts – Robyn's intelligent, yet clear and personable voice makes it a compelling and enjoyable read.
Dr Elizabeth Laugeson, author of The Science of Making Friends, Assistant Clinical Professor, UCLA, Founder and Director, UCLA PEERS Clinic
This book provides a how-to-guide for spotting unsafe situations while offering concrete tips for safer living for women on the autism spectrum. Spoken from the voice of a young woman with autism, readers will be given practical strategies for navigating socially vulnerable relationships and situations – a useful tool for helping independent women living on the spectrum stay safe.
Dr Judith Gould, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Director of the NAS Lorna Wing Centre for Autism
Robyn has addressed the subject of safety for women on the autistic spectrum in a very creative way. She is open and honest when discussing sensitive topics and has collected together a wealth of practical, common sense information based on her experiences and of others on the autistic spectrum. Of particular interest is her chapter on the internet and digital information sharing which is currently very relevant for any woman, not just those on the spectrum. This book is a must read for helping woman navigate the social complexities of life.
Asperger United
Robyn Steward covers important issues of daily life including friendship, sex, alcohol, the Internet, money, and mental health, providing information to help you make informed decisions about your actions...This is an excellent book for any woman on the autistic spectrum, and for anyone who loves or supports a woman with autism.
Library Journal
Steward, a 26-year-old autistic woman, is an autism trainer, mentor, consultant, and artist. She begins her first nonfiction work with an explanation of her "nothing is too basic" approach, explaining that everyone learns differently. She discusses how certain characteristics of autism (literal thinking and difficulty reading social cues) can create vulnerability in potentially dangerous situations. Using an online survey, which questioned people both on the spectrum and not, she obtained information about matters pertaining to safety, such as friendship, relationships and sex, alcohol and drugs, money and employment, and staying safe outside the home and online. VERDICT To the nonspectrum reader, much of this work may seem painfully naive. But that, in essence, is Steward's point, and she succeeds admirably at educating her audience in matters of personal safety. An invaluable resource for autistic individuals as well as those who live and work closely with them.