Press Reviews
Bereavement Care
Its strength lies in covering a range of issues, and thus for the newly bereaved, or those supporting them, it alerts the reader to the potential issues that might need to be addressed and ways that they may be handled... The foreword by Ciarán Devane of Macmillan Cancer Support gives the best advice on this book - 'Please read it and take from it what is helpful.' It is full of thought-provoking material, and draws attention to different issues and scenarios.
The narrative of the text is grounded in experience with short reflections that earth conversations in the reality of bereavement. There are gentle but searching questions of the reader in the text. The writers have a gift for a concise and clear expression of thought.
National Newsletter for the Survivors of Bereavement
The Essential Guide to Life after Bereavement is a very useful volume with a lot of helpful information. The authors have drawn from their many years of experience and made the book very practical and easy to read. It will have value to both the bereaved and those who seek to help the bereaved... This volume will be of great help to both the bereaved and those seeking to help them. I found it invaluable and firmly recommend it.
Day by Day Magazine
Drawing on many real examples from their work in bereavement counselling, they offer advice on coping with negative emotions, as well as unique and helpful guidance on breaking bad news to children, people with learning disability and people with dementia. This practical book is essential reading for all those who have experienced bereavement or loss, as well as the friends, relatives and professionals involved in supporting them.
Ciarán Devane, Chief Executive, Macmillan Cancer Support
Whatever your role and whatever loss you are experiencing, I hope there is something in [this book] which makes things that bit less painful, that bit sooner. Please read it and take from it what is helpful to you - and know there are many of us out there who did bounce back and who wish the same for you.
Youth in Mind
Full marks to the authors for not smoothing over the question of loss, with platitudes about the passage of time or the stages of grief... The authors' calm suggestions about how to dispose of objects associated with dead relatives are much easier to accept than the kind of bossy list-making that afflicts some bereavement literature... the authors advise readers to be prepared to find that life has altered, but also that new ways of living may ultimately flourish. There is a useful list of resources at the end of the book.
Rosie Peel, Northumbria Healthcare, Psychiatry of Old Age SErvice (POAS)
The British Psychological Society's NewsletterThe Essential Guide to Life After Bereavement includes sections on many of the practical and emotional issues which arise following a death such as breaking bad news, dealing with the deceased person's possessions, creating memorials and coping with anniversaries. One of the book's strengths is its willingness to tackle more sensitive issues surrounding family conflict... The contribution of the author with experience of dementia care is evident and particularly valuable for the Older Adult field... The Essential Guide to Life After Bereavement can be recommended to both those experiencing bereavement and to the professionals who may encounter them.
Chloe Fitch, Cardiff Memory Team
SignpostThis book comprises both emotional and practical support for anyone who is currently experiencing bereavement or is helping another person through a loss on either a familial or professional level... Additionally, the authors have included a resources section at the end of the book which details many helpful contacts and websites that could be an invaluable source of support to the reader, whatever their circumstance.