Press Reviews
BATOD Magazine
The book definitely aims to be as user friendly as possible and one of its strengths is the wealth of photocopiable recording forms and assessments in the appendices. A colleague who is taking up a new post with young adults with profound and multiple learning difficulties was most enamoured of pages with titles such as "Engagement background questionnaire", "Sensory Assesment", a (very detailed) "Self-engagement behaviours record", "Interest charts" and "Multi-sensory room recording forms."
This is a paperbound reprint of a 1997 book. Writing for professionals and caregivers, occupational therapist Fowler gives a number of activities designed so those with cognitive and physical disabilities can make closer contact with their environment. Fowler locates these activities within the client's everyday situation, focusing on food, drink, household care and crafts, and taking care to cause a minimum of disruption of routine or expectations. She begins with theories about the meaning of sensory stimulation and the theoretical framework for sensory-focused activities, ways to maximise the activities, and methods of evaluation. She then gives dozens of ideas for activities, all of them simple enough to be enjoyable while challenging the client. Many can be adapted to group work, such as making cosmetic creams and soap balls or creating soapy paint pictures, while others may be suitable for the client eventually to do alone or with very little supervision.
British Institute of Learning Disabilities
A photocopiable resource which provides materials for encouraging people with profound multiple disabilities to learn about the world around them by interacting with it through the senses. Activity ideas are simple and designed to fit into daily routines.
The Journal of Dementia Care
This practical book written by an occupational therapist takes a 'no-nonsense' approach to sensory stimulation for people with a wide range of disabilities. Some of the activities are different from traditional English ones, and sound fun. This is a book which clinicians could quickly and easily scan through, gaining lots of inspiration and ideas. Used as a reference and a 'cookbook', it could enhance delivery of sensory-focused activities for people with dementia, as well as those with physical and multiple disabilities, providing support staff with clear recipes and inspiration.
International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation
This book will be a useful resource to all practitioners who are involved in using sensory focused activities in their practice with individuals who have development disabilities.
COTSS PLD Newsletter
Part two... gives many practical suggestions for breaking down and presenting activities for people with learning and physical disabilities. It provides detailed aims, instructions, ingredients for presenting approximately fifteen activities in each of the following sections: Drinks, Food, Personal and Household care and Art and creaft...would be useful for anyone planning activities with people with learning and physical disabilities...The book is very readable. Particularly good parts include the activity examples and the information in part two on providing activities and maximising participation. This is a useful and very readable and practical resource which would be useful for organisations such as supported living providers to use. It gives clear practical examples of broken down activities and the rational for maximising participation in every day activities. It would also be useful for Occupational Therapists to have as a training resource or for students or those new to working with this client group.