Press Reviews
Speech & Language Therapy in Practice
The model provides a comprehensive framework for understanding- and dealing more effectively with children with autism to allow them to develop lifelong independent living... Easy to read, practical and informative - a good resource to share with education colleagues when collaboratively planning and implementing reaching and learning programmes.
NAPLIC Newsletter
A wealth of practical ideas to help children with ASD to succeed this would be a very useful book for professionals working with children with ASD in mainstream or special school settings.
TES Connect
I suggest that this book should be purchased by educators, parents and relatives of an autistic child as it focuses on the positivity of Autism rather than the difficulties this condition might bring. This book does a lot of positive and practical working. Also, there is a list of free internet resources.
Speech-language pathologist and educator Mackenzie has developed a comprehensive model based upon theory and extensive clinical experience that she believes is effective at growing lifelong independent learning skills in children aged three to 12. She focuses on learning preferences, strengths and interests as she reframes the traditional definition of autism, describes the workings of her model and its program content, analyzes behaviours of children with autism, and shows how her findings apply to the model. Her suggestions are very practical, and she provides the addresses of free Internet resources and a wide range of forms to use in planning and observations.
The Midwest Book Review
Educators and parents alike will find Reaching and Teaching the Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder a fine approach to educating kids with autism, offering insights on such a child's behaviour, blending research with clinical experience, and offering tips on developing independent learning skills with such kids. It's a key component of any parent or educator's library using a broad spectrum of proven autism teaching skills to reach kids hitherto deemed 'unreachable.
Carmen Hengeveld, M.Sc., Registered Speech-Language Pathologist
This is an entertaining, informative and very practical book that will assist readers to `walk the talk' through a more positive paradigm for enabling children with autism. It is based on careful and systematic thinking by the author and incorporates methodology based on research and best practice experience.
Teeya Scholten, Ph.D., Registered Psychologist
Dr. Heather MacKenzie has used a unique blend of theories of personality type, multiple intelligences and mediated learning to create an elegant and practical method. I have seen how well the application of the Learning Preferences and Strengths model works for children with autism. It is my firm belief that this method has broad applicability for any learner.
Allison Waks, M.A., Registered Psychologist
This is a practical, inspiring and stimulating book.