Press Reviews
Autism eye
This book is intended for anyone involved in supporting young people with disabilities as they approach adulthood.
from the foreword by Nicola Gitsham, Programme Manager, Preparing for Adulthood
This is a much-needed resource for families and professionals and is especially helpful at a time when people are considering the implications and opportunities relating to the new SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) system set out in the Children and Families Bill... One of the top ten Preparing for Adulthood messages is that local areas should "raise aspirations for a fulfilling life, by sharing clear information about what has already worked for others". Thank you Jennie, Suzie, Helen and Jennie's circle for sharing your experiences. This book will help local areas achieve this and ensure other young people and families have positive experiences of moving into adulthood and better life chances.
from the afterword by Andrew Webb, President of The Association of Directors of Children's Services Ltd (ADCS) and Corporate Director, Services for People, Stockport Council
As President of The Association of Directors of Children's Services (ADCS) for the year 2013/14, I have been privileged to work closely with a number of key people in central government departments, with colleagues across the voluntary and independent sectors and with other local authorities. There is enormous commitment across the country, at all levels, to bring about a culture change in the way we identify strengths and needs, and provide support to children with additional needs and their families. Suzie's story reinforces my view that significant change should and can happen, and we must make it happen.
Mark Lever, Chief Executive, National Autistic Society
This is clearly going to be a useful - and inspiring - resource for anyone wishing to support a person they care for to live the life they choose. What I like about it is that it goes beyond the rhetoric of personalisation to make it a reality by showing how those who know the person best can come up with creative and innovative solutions to overcome some of the barriers traditional thinking might put in the way of progress. The 'Circle of Support' is a particularly powerful idea.
Charlotte Moore, author of George And Sam- Autism in the Family
Children and Young People NowAs a mother of two sons with autism, I feel gratitude to Suzie Franklin for setting out so clearly the path she and her daughter Jennie have taken... This book shows how Jennie's team, headed by Suzie, have achieved an excellent outcomes through "Jennie-centred" planning... given the right kind of living environment, with all their priorities and idiosyncrasies taken into consideration, they can lead rich, fulfilling, interactive lives. Personallisation in Practice explains the process step by step, while at the same time painting a vivid picture of Jennie's vibrant, life-enhancing personality. This is an immensely useful book for parents and professionals
Maria Chambers, executive principal, Scope
Children & Young People NowThis book provides essential information for families and professionals to help them support young disabled people to make the most of the personalisation agenda, and gain more choice and control over their lives. Person-centred planning is a key part of this process... this book is refreshing... packed with references to more in-depth information... this book is a great resource, demonstrating good practice and useful tips and tools to make personalisation a reality for many more people.
Kirsty Gilmour, Occupational Therapist, The Evelina London Childrens' Community OT Service
British Journal of Occupational TherapyThis book deals with the first author's personal experiences of personalisation. It tells the story of her daughter, Jenny, from the diagnosis of autism through to independent adulthood, focusing on how personalised services can be set up for the transition from school to adulthood. The second author has been heavily involved in the government personalisation agenda... It is valuable that the challenges the author faced, both practical and emotional, are also included, as this offers the reader ideas about how to overcome similar challenges... The book is easy to read, well structured, and divided into logical chapters that are easy to access. It could be read cover-to-cover very quickly, which is ideal for busy parents and professionals.It would be of use for professionals working in transition services or, perhaps even more so, parents looking ahead to supporting their child in the transition to adulthood.