Press Reviews
The Midwest Book Review
A must for any parent overwhelmed by the new world they have entered into.
Speech & Language Therapy in Practice
As a generalist speech and language therapist working in community clinic I ground this slim book to be clear and structured with a friendly tone throughout... I have no doubts that many parents will find this a good starting point for early reading without being overwhelmed by jargon and theory. Undergraduate students and practising therapists may also find it a handy little book for immediate reference. The advice given is grounded within commonly known approaches. I found the sections on "visual support", "creating routines" and "simplifying areas in the home" particularly useful. Each chapter or "step" has a helpful "to learn more" section at the end with references for further reading. At £9.99 this book is good value for money.
Montessori International Magazine
I have to confess that when I first held this slim volume in my hand I wondered whether so few words could make a difference, but as the saying goes, "less is more". Dr Susan Larson Kidd has her finger entirely on the button. She offers tiny gold nuggets of support, arranged neatly in ten sections, which help everyone involved in supporting children on the autistic spectrum with everyday living and learning issues. Susan's no-nonsense approach to sleeping, eating and toileting can only be good news. There are sensible strategies to using visual supports, simplifying home and school and building basic support team... As an academic I was pleased to discover the depth of research underpinning this book. Especially rewarding is Susan's citation of Mahoney and McDonald, (2007) who show that parents have a greater impact on their child's development than any known professional. If parents spend, as a low estimate, just two hours of time interacting with their child daily, they will influence their child's progress two to three times more than any teacher or therapist!
Whitterer on Autism blog
This slim volume is an ideal first read for parents and carers of children who have just found out about autism. Susan Larson Kidd's book demonstrates her years of experience in a forthright manner, avoiding jargon and with many practical examples, hints and tips... Many parents are completely overwhelmed and do what I did-hit the internet for information with thousands of entries, become distracted by the adverts down the side claiming cures-and experience anxiety. We're buried in information, too much. We need a primer and a starting point and that is what this book provides.
ForeWord Reviews
Kidd's book, My Child Has Autism, Now What? is a terrific first step on the pathway to education and adaptation. A diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder is not the end of the world, but the beginning; Kidd's clear, matter-of-fact explanations of terms and ideas on how to teach and communicate with autistic children can make those first few weeks and months a positive learning experience instead of time wasted on confusion and guilt.... Kidd writes in a welcoming, conversational manner and includes further resources at the end of each chapter. Her book is less like a manual and more like a conversation; above all her advice is friendly and easy to follow. By focusing on the practical aspects of dealing with a diagnosis of autism instead of delving into extensive theory she keeps her book appropriate for family members and educators who are new to this arena and need concrete information to improve daily life. Her book is perfect for families on the cusp of a new world.
Tara's View on Books Blog
I think this would be the perfect book to give to every parent right after they get the diagnosis. It is an excellent starting point. It is very practical and very user friendly. I wish I had been given this book after my son Aiden was first diagnosed with Autism! I had no idea what to do or where to start and this book provides that. It is well written and easy to read. Even if not every step relates to every case it is still a very handy guide... I would certainly recommend this book to anyone just starting out on the path of parenting an Autistic child.