Press Reviews
Robyn Ochs, educator, speaker, grassroots activist, and editor of Bi Women Quarterly and two anthologies: the 42-country collection Getting Bi: Voices of Bisexuals Around the World and RECOGNIZE: The Voices of Bisexual Men.
Wide ranging, thought-provoking, well-written, and much-needed. Particularly impressive is the focus on the intersection of bisexual identity with other identities: disability, neurodivergence, nationality, immigration status, race, gender, and more. If you read this collection, you will learn something new. My advice to anyone reading this: please go out and get yourself a copy!
Mark Cusack, Bisexual author, educator and coach
A beautiful collection of voices which truly represents the great diversity of our bi+/mspec community. With a broad range of experiences from all corners of the bisexual spectrum, this book breaks down the many assumptions and stereotypes that persist against bisexual people in our society today. A fascinating read for anybody, whether you're familiar with the bi community or new to the topic. The kind of book I wish I'd had when I was growing up! -
Meg-John Barker, co-author of Life Isn't Binary and Queer: A Graphic History
It Ain't Over Til The Bisexual Speaks' is a beautiful brilliant bi+ book. It does a wonderful job of honouring its bi+ activist/anthology predecessors as well as pointing towards vital directions for bi+ futures. The collection is curated with deep care and attention to detail, situating bi+ movements appropriately in relation to capitalist/colonialist histories, immutable understandings of gender/sexuality, and current forms of bodymind normativity and related culture wars and global politics. It was moving indeed to feel the commitment and compassion of the bi+ activists included in this collection, and to be reminded of just what they're up against when fighting for the freedom of all who are impacted by bi+, and intersecting, oppressions.
J.R. Yussuf, author of Dear Bi Men: A Black Man's Perspective on Power, Consent, Breaking Down Binaries, and Combating Erasure.
This is a wonderful bridge between the past, present, and future for m-spec people. It offers clarity, guidance, and a floor upon which to land. A challenging, seasoned read filled with hope that has known despair, and vigor that has known various states of being.
Roxy Bourdillon, editor-in-chief of DIVA magazine
It Ain't Over Til The Bisexual Speaks is a vital and vibrant celebration of the glorious diversity within the bi+ community. Powerful, thought-provoking and brilliantly intersectional - I loved this anthology!