Press Reviews
Dr Anne Hendry, Clinical Lead for Integrated Care and Senior Fellow, International Foundation for Integrated Care
There is a strong focus on context and culture, and on creating the conditions for change in a complex operating environment. Readers are encouraged to reflect on the why and the how of integrated care through a series of case studies drawn from all levels of the system. These case studies illustrate how an integrated care approach adds value and some give a flavour of the anticipated gains. Overall, an easy read and a useful overview for managers and practitioners from all sectors who want to make integrated care a reality.
Ewan King, Director of Business Development and Delivery, Social Care Institute for Excellence
The question of how we bring about the integration of health and social care is one that has vexed policy makers and practitioners for many decades. But now, more than ever, with decreasing budgets and rising demand, we need to overcome the many barriers that stand in the way of better and more integrated care and support. Integrated Care in Action is a timely book that provides practical, evidence-based guidance on how to design, plan and deliver integrated care, whether at the whole-systems level or within specific services. Unlike other recent publications of this kind, which are often overly focused on the NHS as the sole owner of the problem of how to integrate care, this book recognises the vital role played by social care, mental health and the wider community based organisations. As you would expect from authors who understand the importance of service user engagement and co-production, they also write at length about the need for service user and carers to be genuine partners in creating more integrated services. This book will stand the test of time.
Steve Appleton, Managing Director, Contact Consulting - a health, housing and social care consultancy
Integration has become one of the central themes of public service reform. This accessible and thoroughly evidenced guide provides informative and evidence-based insights into the challenges and opportunities of integration. It draws on relevant case studies and provides practical guidance that can be directly applied, not only in health and social care, but also in the field of housing and support. The provision of integrated care and the development of a shared taxonomy in these three areas is critical to the delivery of needs led and outcome focused services. This book is required reading for those tasked with making successful integration a reality.
Anne Thomas, Executive Director, Linc - Cymru Housing Association Ltd
Working together is powerful and liberating especially when the impact on the people receiving the service and those involved in designing and delivering it are able to recognise the opportunities and improvements gained from doing things differently. This book helps to make it happen.
Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work
Dr Robin Miller, Hilary Brown and Catherine Mangan have produced an easily readable, engaging text which feels immediately useful and realistic for any health and social care setting. They invite the reader to think about their own current state and, through well placed questions, invite the reader to imagine an integrated future.