Press Reviews
Saralea Chazan Ph.D. Clinical-Child Psychologist
This is a compact information-laden volume that conveys a comprehensive understanding of play activity in the lives of children. Theory and practice are interwoven reflecting the diverse meanings of play for the individual child and his parents, as well as for groups of children playing together. The author has written about her own perspective on play as well as including the wisdom of her colleagues from allied disciplines. Susan Hart's vivid, inclusive and comprehensive view of play is a treasure!
Prof. Dr. E. Asen, M.D., FRCPsych Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families University College London
This passionate book offers numerous creative and playful practices and innovative educational interventions for all those working with children in groups - be that teachers, mental health practitioners and allied professionals. Its richness lies in the diverse approaches presented and developed in different cultures and settings, but all with the main aim of stimulating the improvement of children's emotional, empathic and social learning. Essential reading for all those who believe that inclusive schools need to focus at least as much on promoting emotional and relational competencies as they do on cognitive and academic achievements.
Peter Fonagy, Freud Memorial Professor of Psychoanalysis, UCL; Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, London, UK.
There is a great deal beyond words that should be part of the talking cure, particularly with children. This book gives the best map currently available to some of the techniques available to reach those children whose emotional vulnerability cannot be reached with verbal dialogue. A brilliant collection of essays.
Albert Gjedde
Brains allow humans to move, predictions make movements meaningful by mentalization, and mentalization is validated by feelings from emotions. This is the short version of this excellent introduction to the roles of play in the development of inclusionary empathy. The volume by eminent practitioners of the different fields is highly recommended to anyone concerned with the loss of empathy in the age of the internet.