Press Reviews
Adrian Bethune, Teacher and author of Wellbeing In The Primary Classroom
If you want the children and teachers to flourish in your school, then you need to read this book!
Mike Buchanan, Chair of the International Positive Education Network (IPEN) UKEurope
Anyone wishing to get a flying start in exploring how to have a lasting impact on the achievements and individual growth of their students, For Flourishing's Sake: Using Positive Education to Support Character Development and Wellbeing is a great place to start. Frederika Roberts has put the key elements with some enlightening approaches in use now in schools, all in one place.
Vanessa Gamack, Mission and Education Advisor Anglican Schools Commission Southern Queensland
Every page of this brilliant book spills over with the joy, hope, passion and positivity of the author, Frederika Roberts. In a world where the social, emotional and mental wellbeing of students is often compromised, Frederika has given us a shining light to guide our paths as we seek to transform the educational journey of every student we teach. 'For Flourishing's Sake' offers us a fabulous character education road map that teachers can confidently refer to each and every day. Let's pop Frederika's LeAF model poster up in every classroom and let the flourishing begin.
Maria O’Neill, Advanced Skills Teacher and Pastoral Leader. CEO Pastoral Support Ltd.
Frederika Roberts takes us on exciting learning journeys using international case studies and equipping us with practical strategies to use in our education communities. All of the schools and leaders cited in the book have one thing in common: they are on a journey to enable staff and pupils to flourish personally and academically. You can't help but start your own personal and professional flourishing journey as a result.
Caren Baruch-Feldman, Ph.D., Author of The Grit Guide for Teens and Psychologist
For Flourishing's Sake: Using Positive Education to Support Character Development and Wellbeing is a highly readable book that would be helpful to anyone who wants to bring Positive Education into their school. Chock full of real life examples from all over the world, it contains a wealth of information. For Flourishing Sake is a must read and has inspired me to grow and expand Positive Education in my school!
Vivienne Porritt, Leadership consultant, Co-founder and Strategic Leader of #WomenEd, Vice President of Chartered College of Teaching
For Flourishing's Sake asks us why we wanted to be teachers. I'm hopeful that Positive Education has the potential to embed learning and happiness at the heart of all educational organisations: that's why I became a teacher. Do read and put the principles of Positive Education into practice so that everyone working in education really does flourish and, for all our sakes, our future citizens both learn and are happy.
Gilda Scarfe, CEO and Founder of Positive Ed.
If you want to know how to implement Positive Education in your school, this is the right book. Fredericka's natural and comprehensive way of showcasing practical tools bridges the gap between research and practice. This is exactly the kind of knowledge-based and educationally reflecting support school leaders, students and parents need.
Stephen Chamberlain, Chief Executive Officer, Active Learning Trust. National Leader of Governance, Former CEO, Challenger Multi Academy Trust
What a joy to read! For anyone who thinks we have lost our way in education in recent times you only have to read Frederika's fantastic analysis of schools and school leaders whose approach to creating a climate of positive education, coupled with a focus on character and a passion for the curriculum can allow children not only to grow, but to flourish! Delighted to see the brilliant work of CMAT's Claire Probert at Lancot Challenger Academy showcased alongside so many other talented educators in this amazing book.
Professor Ilona Boniwell, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge and CEO of Positran, France
The author (and my former MAPP student) Frederika Roberts succeeds in providing the reader with eye-opening information about the essential ingredients for transforming any school into a positive education institution. Congratulations for the LeAF model creation and making positive education so tangible!