Press Reviews
There is a lot useful material in this book. The editors provide a clear introduction which defines the term 'evaluation', refers to different approaches and suggests why it is important in dementia care...This book will be useful to students of research methodology and professionals in dementia care who are interested in research.
College of Occupational Therapists
I would recommend this book to any occupational therapist new to working with clients with learning disabilities and dementia, and also to those developing and/or evaluating specific services for this population.
Social Work and Social Sciences
A Comprehensive and through work about ways to improve the lives of older people living with dementia. A reassuring book to have and a valuable resource for anyone embarking on a study of dementia care or designing a research programme in evaluation.
This is an important contribution to further the view that the voices of people with dementia can be heard and that people with dementia can effectively help shape services. It is a highly readable book that tackles an often overlooked subject because of the very real difficulties that communication presents, and examines this by exploring in depth the ethical issues and current legislation which have a major impact on research within this current field. While laying out the challenges in facilitating this, it also presents a realistic view that this is achievable for people with dementia.
Innes and McCabe (Dementia Studies, U. of Stirling, UK) gather together 14 essays for practitioners, students, and researchers interested in dementia care practice. The essays focus on evaluating dementia care and aspects of the process, such as setup, measurement and analysis, reporting results, and the implementation of recommendations. Other topics include policy contexts, technology, long stay care settings, ethics, and user involvement. Different settings and levels of evaluation are also discussed. Both author and subject indexes are provided.
Nursing Older People
This book provides a comprehensive theoretical and methodological framework for the evaluation of dementia care, targeting nurses and other healthcare professionals with a specific interest in the domains of evaluative research and dementia.
Community Care
The book is logically structured and has an impressive international flavour with contributors from Europe, the US and Scandinavia. The balance between theoretical chapters - for example addressing the policy context - and those focusing on practicalities of looking after people in long-stay care settings, is good. The discussion of user involvement is simple, insightful and grounded in the author's experience of evaluation services over the past 10 years. I have no doubt that I will dip in and out of this book for years.
Community Care
I found this collection of papers really useful, writes Les Bright because the editors have thought carefully about a potential readership of people busily engaged in organising and delivering services, with only limited time to read and add to the knowledge gained from their practice.
College of Occupational Therapists Specialists Section
Overall the text is professional without being too complex. It is easy to pick out areas of particular interest, with a sound reference section attached to each chapter to aid the reader in more extensive reading. I would suggest this is a good reference book for libraries and for departments considering evaluation a service or for any individuals undertaking research.
College of Occupational Therapists Specialists Section
The book is an important tool for practitioners at all levels, researchers and students interested in best practice. As a guide for occupational therapists this is a useful resource book and will assist in exploring the many ethical issues related to evaluating practice and raises questions on the use of internal versus external evaluators (something we all wrestle with).