Press Reviews
from the foreword by Sube Banerjee, Professor of Dementia, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
This is a complex and difficult journey and Dr Rahman's book is like having an informed, interested, intelligent and profoundly humane friend by your side on the journey through. This book is a friend that is encyclopaedic in knowledge and who is not afraid to have opinions and to express them. We are part-way along the journey, we have come a long way but we have far to go. This book helps us reflect on where we are and the road we have travelled, all the better to plan and travel the road ahead.
from the foreword by Lisa Rodrigues CBE, writer, coach and mental health campaigner
Dr Shibley Rahman sets out what is best practice in language and attitude as well as care and support. He writes with great authority and humility about what people who have dementia, and their loved ones, face and how we could all do a great deal more to help them...This is a wonderful book, for students, health professionals, researchers, policy makers, politicians, families, and for people who may be in the early stages of the diseases that cause dementia. This is a book that challenges but also gives hope. Which I think is the greatest gift of all.
from the Afterword by Lucy Frost, Dementia Lead (Nurse Consultant)
As a nurse, specialising in the care of people with dementia, and those who care for and support them, this will be a 'go to' text; for reference and for revisiting important topics relating to practice...This book is an important milestone in the Dementia Care literature as it provides information to help us answer the difficult questions we face as professionals helping to support people and families.
Dr Karen Harrison Dening, Head of Research & Evaluation, Dementia UK
The third of Rahman's books on issues relating to dementia. Another must-read text that discusses the many and varied elements of what is required to enhance the lives and wellbeing of people with dementia. I particularly like his style of telling us what we can expect to learn from each section and suggestions for further reading. This, as well as the first two books from the author, is an essential read for all health and social care students in gaining an overview of caring in dementia
Reinhard Guss, Chair, Faculty of the Psychology of Older People
Shibley Rahman's last book in his trilogy on dementia represents a comprehensive and thought provoking tour de force through the subject matter - great reading for any health and social care professional, academic and interested lay person. Here is a perspective from an author who in himself integrates academic qualifications in medicine, law and management with a lived experience of disability. A unique read!
Jo Moriarty, Senior Research Fellow, King’s College London
Practitioners, family carers and people with dementia looking for a comprehensive resource about dementia need look no further. Few books combine detailed explanations about clinical aspects of dementia with policy analysis and yet remain so centred on people's individual experiences. This is an important resource for anyone who wants to understand more about providing better dementia support.
Robert Howard, Professor of Old Age Psychiatry, University College London
An absolute gem of a book. Through his career, Shibley Raman has been sequentially academic neurologist, service user, family carer and blogging activist. His learning and wisdom have been distilled into a highly readable, comprehensively referenced and bang up-to-date companion for anyone who needs to learn and understand about people with dementia and what can be done to help them, their families and professional carers to get the very best out of life.
Des Kelly OBE, Chair, The Centre for Policy on Ageing
There can be no doubt that Enhancing Health and Wellbeing in Dementia should be essential reading for anyone with an interest in improving the lives, and rights, of people living with dementia. It is an important book which is both comprehensive and practical - no easy matter to achieve! His encyclopaedic span concludes appropriately with the primacy of person-centred approaches, the importance of dignity, quality and leadership - yes, yes, yes!
Prof Dawn Brooker, Director of the Association for Dementia Studies at the Worcester University, UK
Shibley's voice has emerged as an important one to take notice of within dementia care. His ability to draw together a huge range of knowledge from many different spheres of research, practice and policy and to use it to light our way rather than confuse us further is unique.
Dr Helen Sanderson, author of Person-Centred Thinking with Older People
This important book continues our journey of what it means to see the person beyond their diagnosis of dementia, with a fresh focus on freedom, dignity and human rights. Dr Shibley challenges the idea that nothing can be done to improve dementia care. He brings practical thinking around how we can move towards truly integrated, person-centred ways of working - making a timely and valuable contribution to our collective understanding.
Julienne Meyer CBE, PhD, RN, RNT, Professor of Nursing: Care for Older People City, University of London, Executive Director, My Home Life programme
Great book on integrated, person-centred dementia care. Clearly identifies issues often overlooked: importance of relationships in delivering good care; pivotal role of care homes in caring for people with dementia; and value of addressing staff needs so they can be in good relationship with others. It's not rocket science!