Press Reviews
Fatherhood Institute E-newsletter
This book will offer invaluable insights for anyone concerned with families with a disabled child. The fathers talk movingly about how they responded when they realised their child was disabled – the grief, the sense of loss, the challenges, but above all the enduring love, the sense of pride and connection to their child, and the stories of what they have learnt and gained along the way' This book should give confidence and inspiration to health and social care professionals to engage with fathers'.
GAP Good Autism Practice
This book is a must read for any parent who has a child with a disability. There is at least one story that families can relate to. Dads may also feel they are not alone, while mums may no realise the father's perspective. It is an easy read although the subject material is sometimes distressing. This is the reality and I believe a greater understanding will be developed. In Summary this book provides an excellent resource and is very informative. As a dad and a professional myself, I can recommend this wholeheartedly.
David Cameron, Prime Minister
It is a great idea to draw together stories of fathers' experiences in bringing up disabled children. One of the ways parents manage to cope is to know that others have been through the same experiences. Then you learn that it isn't just about coping – there are positive stories to tell.
Families Need Fathers
I found this incredibly moving and difficult to read without crying. It is impossible to read in one sitting, but good to dip into, to be reminded of how difficult the position can be. There are 21 stories of dads in different circumstances with disabled children. Some are married, or live with partners. Others are raising children alone. Some are divorced and having trouble keeping contact with their children. The conclusion is very useful, full of helpful hints on how to obtain support and do the right thing for the children. It is difficult, but not impossible to be the father of a child affected by disability…It is a very encouraging work, and well worth reading.
“Us men” do not readily express our feelings and to have a book that expresses men's thoughts and feelings towards their own disabled child was a great opportunity to see whether there are other dads out there who feel like me. The book gives the reader an amazing insight to these 21 very different Dads' lives, each giving an account of their child's disability, their feelings, family background and their child's development. Each account ends with a piece of advice from these dads to other fathers and there are many various offers of advice, but the overwhelming sense of strength and optimism is clear and humbling to read…I certainly could connect and identify with many of these dads and would recommend it to other dads of children with hemiplegia to read because the overriding positive comments do make you reflect on your own well being: John (dad of two-year-old Rhiannon) says, “if able-bodied people had the same determination as disabled folk, then we would all be winners.”