Press Reviews
Good Autism Practice
Is an overwhelmingly positive and supportive message. In contrast to the scare stories purveyed by some, these families have found ways to survive and thrive despite their children's challenges. Any reader would be won over by the heartwarming stories of these families, who no matter what their background have usually encountered some of the roadblocks as all families coping with autism.
Good Autism Practice
What makes this book stand out, aside from its attractive design and coffee-table size, it as overwhelmingly positive and supportive message. Professionals who work with families will find these glimpses into the lives of those they serve illuminating.
Library Journal
Autism and Asperger's syndrome have many faces - with this wonderful book, we get to see 38 of them. Readers are treated to a showcase of different aspects of living with autism through short vignettes (organized into sections titled `Dignity', `Hope', `Opportunity' and `Love') and brilliant photographs by Buissink. Firestone is the president and founder of the Help Group of Los Angeles, which serves children with a variety of special needs, including autism. The book is closely tied with the group; all of the families featured come from Southern California, including actors Joe Mantegna and Gary Cole and baseball pitcher Jim Gott. An excellent entry in the literature of autism and disability; strongly recommended for public libraries and academic libraries with disability studies collections.
Michael E. O'Hanlon, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
Few have the combination of compassion, rigorous knowledge, passion for the field, and accomplishments in helping literally thousands of children with autism spectrum disorders as does Barbara Firestone. She is also an extraordinary listener, and a great observer of people, making her repertoire of stories and perspectives extremely rich, inspiring, and instructive.
Handicap Info
Intimate, bold, and inspiring, Autism Heroes provides a compelling and sensitive account of the experiences of 38 families from different walks of life confronting the challenges of autism with courage, tenacity and love.
The Old Schoolhouse
Families living with autism spectrum disorders face many challenges most people will never encounter. Autism Heroes is a tremendous resource for those who want to better understand what these families are going through. The fantastic photography and the family profiles give the reader a glimpse of the many faces of autism.
AEFCT Quarterly Newlsetter
This book provides a beautiful account of experiences of different families with children on the Autism Spectrum. The courage and love that is seen in these families is inspiring. This book offers experience in the triumphs and challenges of ASD, which will aid others that are just beginning on this path. Autism Heroes reminds us that each child is different and beautiful in their own way regardless of their ability or disability.
National Association of Professionals concerned with Language Impairment in Children
Autism Heroes is easy to read and beautifully illustrated. It is a fascinating collection of parents' accounts of their child's development, educational and social expereinces... Autism Heroes would be a valuable resource for parent support group libraries and is very well priced. Students and therapists who work in this field may find this book encourages reflection about the nature of autism and how to support young people and families.