Press Reviews
Adoption Book Review Newsletter
Tired of foolish comments about adoption from your family and friends? If so, Adoption is a Family Affair by Pat Johnston was designed for you. This introduction to the pitfalls, misconceptions, and issues around adoption is intended to be a basic “Adoption 101" for your parents or for anyone else new to the idea of adoption. As prospective adoptive parents immerse themselves in the adoption process, they may not have time or patience to explain their new way of thinking and findings to their parents or friends. Sometimes it just feels too overwhelming to correct all of society's common assumptions and misapprehensions. Pat's emphatic no-nonsense style can be a useful tool toward opening a dialog about these issues which are inherent in adoptive families in our society. Adoption is a Family Affair provides a basic education on the psychological aspects of adoption and the adoption process. … Adoptive parents and prospective adoptive parents who are coping with “adoptism” (that is, the belief that adoption is a second best way to be a family) will find Adoption is a Family Affair a useful resource.
Nebraska Children's Home Society
Don't you wish that there was an easy way to explain the how's and why's of adoption to your parents and the other members of your family? Adoption Is a Family Affair will make them feel like they've sat down with a close friend to have a coffee klatsch about adoption. This book's conversational tone and wealth of information will turn them into adoption experts!
Adoption@About.com's Top Five Books About Adoption
This is a great book covering the basics of adoption. It focuses heavily on discounting myths and misconceptions, and presenting clear explanations of often confusing concepts and practices. A wonderful book for those from whom we need support and encouragement.
Midwest Book Review/Internet BookWatch
Adoption Is A Family Affair! What Relatives And Friends Must Know is specifically written to correct commonly held myths and misconceptions about adoption and adopters. One example is the wide spread myth that people often conceive after adopting because they then “relax” and things just happen naturally. The truth is that only 5% of those who adopt will spontaneously conceive after adopting — the same percentage figure as for those infertile couples who do not adopt! Adoption Is A Family Affair! is very highly recommended reading for prospective adopters, and for their friends and family as well!
Youth in Mind
This book is designed for grandparents and family members of people going through the process of adoption. It is a short but very helpful guide. Much of the practical information relates to processes in the US, but also briefly covers processes in the UK and other countries... written by people who have experienced the challenges of supporting their children as they go through the adoption process... Each section has recommended further reading, and this book would make an excellent resource as well as a useful gift for the grandparents to be.